
Christ and His Christians Conquer

May 7, 2023    Zack Gilman

Everything that has happened must now be seen in the light that first shown at the dawn of

the Creation, the light of our transfigured Lord Jesus, the light of our resurrected King, and

the light that will replace the sun and the moon for all eternity. Everything must be

reevaluated. We have to go back, and reread the whole thing. The Son would be exalted, the

Son has been exalted, the Son will be exalted. This has been the Father’s will since before the

world’s foundations were laid. His Son would be victorious, he would not lose, he would not

waiver, he would not be conquered. Every knee would bow, every tongue would confess, the

hearts of the whole world would turn to Him in great exaltation. All that has been made

would praise Him.